Gliding in Canberra is a magical experience !

Imagine... ...the quiet whoosh of air past the canopy... ...the warmth of the sun through the canopy overhead... ...the clean smell of fresh, unpolluted air through the air vent... ...the gentle buoyant push of rising air through the seat cushions as the glider climbs... ...slow graceful turns that reveal the broad expanse of the Cooma-Monaro country, hills and forests, the glint of the Murumbidgeee and Numeralla rivers... ..the reassuring voice of your instructor or colleague from the rear seat of the glider... ...the glint of sunlight from wings from a distant aircraft... ...the buzz of excitement at being one with the sky...

Someone has to do it, we're glad it's us, and we love sharing the experience!

Try a introductory flight on the week end or on public holidays at our home field in Bunyan

If you have always wanted to fly or be a pilot then gliding is a great way to accomplish your dreams.

For Club Members

With the recent revamp of the site, we aim to keep the club members updated with what is happening with the club and to make this site more useful for members.

Now we have a page dedicated to news from the club committee so that you are aware of what the committee is doing to make your flying more enjoyable.

We also have section on piloting to improve your flying skills and a all important weather page with host of links to get the most from the weather.

Basic Sailplane Aerodynamics - How Gliders Fly

Col Vassarotti has produced a series of very informative articles on Sailplane Aerodynamics.

Their scope includes basic aerodynamics of how wings work, lift and drag, controls and their effects, turning, stability, inflight loads, manoeuvring, stalls and spins, ground effect, and many other gems for soaring pilots who seek to improve their understanding and flying skills. Click here to read more.